October 16, 2023

Supplier Disputes & UN Sustainability Goals

Supplier Disputes & UN Sustainability Goals

Supplier disputes are a common occurrence in the global business landscape, often leading to operational disruptions, financial losses, and strained relationships between companies and their suppliers.

Supplier disputes can arise from various issues, including contract disagreements, quality control problems, delays in delivery, or non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Such disputes not only affect the immediate financial bottom line but also have broader implications for operational efficiency, brand reputation, and sustainability efforts.

In today's interconnected global economy, disputes between companies and their suppliers are all too common, posing risks to smooth operations, financial health, and valuable business relationships. Yet, within these challenges lies a unique opportunity to contribute to UN Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) 8, set by the United Nations. This goal champions sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, alongside full and productive employment and decent work for everyone.

SDG 8 underscores the importance of ensuring economic growth that benefits everyone, promoting not just any job but decent work, and laying the foundations for long-term sustainability. Mishandled supplier disputes can significantly derail these aims, leading to job losses, decreased economic output, and practices that are far from sustainable. Conversely, adeptly navigating these disputes offers a pathway to reinforcing the principles of SDG 8:

  • Promoting Fair and Decent Work: By resolving disputes in a way that prevents unfair labour practices and job losses, companies directly contribute to creating decent work conditions. This involves championing not only fair wages and safe work environments but also upholding the rights of workers across the supply chain. It’s about ensuring that every individual involved in the process is treated with dignity and respect, in line with global standards of fairness and safety.
  • Ensuring Operational Stability: Constructively addressing disputes keeps business operations stable and preserves the economic contributions companies make to society. Instead of being bogged down in lengthy and expensive legal battles, companies can focus on sustaining productive relationships with their suppliers. This approach encourages investment in sustainable practices and innovations, fostering an environment where long-term growth is not just a goal but a reality.
  • Driving Innovation and Productivity: Often, the process of resolving supplier disputes uncovers underlying issues that require creative problem-solving and improvements in processes, products, or services. This necessity can spark innovation, leading to better productivity and, by extension, contributing to sustainable economic growth. It’s about turning a challenge into an opportunity for enhancement and growth.

Supplier disputes, when managed poorly, can undermine these objectives through job losses, reduced economic output, and unsustainable business practices.

Supplier disputes are inevitable in the business world, but their resolution offers an avenue for promoting sustainability. By aligning dispute resolution practices with the objectives of SDG 8, companies can contribute to a more sustainable, fair, and economically prosperous world. This approach not only benefits the businesses involved but also supports global efforts to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future.

Our subject expert: Fayola-Maria Jack

Fayola-Maria Jack is a multi-award winning deal shaping and dispute resolution expert. She has shaped successful resolutions and out of court settlements for governments, multinationals, military, banks, and venture backed startups.